Strategy, construction system development, design and execution of restaurant space in Madrid (C. de Espronceda, 34, 28003 Madrid).

MO de movimiento

Spaces Object


Showroom and office space design and construction. a site specific interior design and architecture all extracted from the already existing-on-site materials. 


Spaces Object


Production house CAP has commissioned Lucas Muñoz Muñoz the design and materialisation of their headquarters in A Coruña (Spain). Following his always experimental approach, the achieved result continues with Muñoz Muñoz’ interest in upcycling, sustainable strategies, local craft value and low tech air conditioning. Finally, CAP’s new office space includes several new one-off pieces within the body of work of the Madrilian designer.

CAP Dept. Office - A coruña

Spaces Object


Machado Muñoz Gallery (Spain), September 2016 - A collection of furniture that takes United Nations consumption and production data about Spain and translates them into furniture. A collection meta-objects that gets contrasted by wood clamps assemblages with marble and leather to create surface-oriented furniture.

Temporal - Machado Muñoz

Domestic Object


Invited by Alcova to take over the central plaza of their new venue in Miami´s oldest hostel, River Inn Miami, a new SS Sound System was born and a full 5 pieces collection completely improvised on site with locally found industrial leftovers and cut-outs

FACTOTUM - Alcova Miami - River Inn solo show Central Plaza

Domestic Object


Produced for Alcova Miami 2024 central plaza installation this Soundsystem from the SS collection, the SSVII has been crafted in Miami incollaboration with local industries of Hialeah.

S.SVII- Miami Crow

Domestic Object


A copy of an original Artemide Tizio lamp, originally designed by Richard Sapper, made this time using only its packaging box materials: Cardboard and polyesterene becomes this black mirror of the logistical footprint hidden behind our consumer products.

TIZIO OB - Out of the Box

Wild Object


Fifth Soundsystem of the SS collection, this time for Milano Lucas´solo show at Dopo? Lavoro´s Rooting/Radicarsi design festival.



Sound System V - Wall E

Domestic Object


Solo show at Dopo? Laboro space under the festival Rooting/Radicarsi. A retrospective on the work developed in previous years and a site specific design and construction of a tailor made soundsystem.

DOPO? laboro - Rooting/Radicarsi

Spaces Object


Rain Water collection towers crafted with reclaimed materials for a self-managed urban vegetable garden in Madrid

Huerto Norte

Spaces Object


For CREA, a biodynamic agricultural practice located in Madrid, as part of an ongoing collaboration, we have designed and developed this monile hen houses for them to shephard their hens around!

Mobile Hen House

Domestic Object


A series of pieces (B.M.F.04, Floor Lamp, Trenat cane chair and seat cushion designed at the studio's atelier) that can be found in the refurbished Ateneo in Madrid, a cultural institution of reference in contemporary Spanish history. Included in the ICON Issue Nº110 (June 2023) and as Carlos Primo mentions "The renovation of the Ateneo de Madrid begins with ideas, but crystallizes in a project that recovers the desire for modernity of this bicentennial institution."


Domestic Object


S.S 3 (Sound System 3), also known as 'La Niña', is the third iteration of the 'Sound System' series.

S.S3 - Sound System 3

Domestic Object


in collaboration with Manera Magazine and Polestar a solo show was set in place 

Polestar gallery - solo show

Domestic Object


ON Running collaborates with Lucas Muñoz Muñoz to create a rock installation built from bricks, that resides in their London Flagship Store.

ON Running London

Wild Object


A 3D scanned reproduction of an original stone located in the Swiss alps is reproduced for On Running in different media. For this Miami store we went for Miami Vice: bricromatic car paint on steel - one of the technically most challenging pieces we have crafted in the atelier. An exclusive modular bench was also developed and crafted for this Design Distric Miami space.

On Running - Miami

Domestic Object


ON Running collaborates with Lucas Muñoz Muñoz to create a Sound System built from upcycled shoe materials and textile, that resides in their Zurich Flagship Store.

ON Running Zurich

Wild Object


A series of chairs of coloured foam and metal frames, in collaboration with ON X Running. 

ON Running Chairs

Domestic Object


TARA's are based in one structure with three variations, resulting in 9 random rocks on a metallic tripod.

TARA Stools

Domestic Object


Listening Party/Exhibition of the archive pieces in Nave La Mosca. Exhibition also published in the ICON Design editorial, November 2022 Issue (Nº12). 

Listening Party/Exhibition - Nave La Mosca

Spaces Object


3 Dispositivos compuestos de rejillas, acompañados de dos sillas 'rejiband', todos construidos a partir de pasa cables recuperadas de los almacenes de Medialab Matadero.

Medialab Matadero

Domestic Object


Lucas Muñoz participates in the Mayrit Design Bienal (Madrid, Spain) , explores the legal limits of the use that we are allowed to exercise over public space through our participation in it as citizens, consumers and living beings.

Terracero - Mayrit Design Bienal

Spaces Object


TARA's stool exhibited in 'Madre Natura', opening exhibition curated by @teresaherreroliving, for the 6th edition of the Madrid Design Festival. 

Madre Natura - Madrid Design Festival

Spaces Object


"Transitorial" is a temporal exhibition that took place during the Jerusalem Design Week in the Hansen House, a center for Design, Media and Technology.  Lucas Muñoz Muñoz studio designs an architectural ad-hoc assemblage - A pavilion constructed from ‘to be stored’ elements.

Transitorial - Jerusalem Design Week

Spaces Object


Brick Appliances Rods and Electricity (B.A.R.E)

B.A.R.E Lamps

Domestic Object


An exploration on the material properties of construction and installation materials and their capacity for performing a domestic function.



OFIS (Objects From Interstitial Space)

Domestic Object


A circular system for an exhibition design

Materia Gris

Spaces Object


Lucas Muñoz participates in the 2022 Mayrit Design Bienal (Madrid, Spain) with the temporary exhibition of 'Escena'. This exhibition shows a selection of graphic design pieces in the Spanish musical production of recent years. Identifying common traits and characteristics, this collection shapes a map of contemporary visual codes and proposes a look at the current aesthetics of music in our country. 

Escena - Mayrit Design Bienal

Spaces Object


low tech air conditioned - wet pulp adiabatic device that cools down the air

MO - Ventilation Vases

Domestic Object


S.S1 - Sound System 1

Domestic Object


Each speaker defines its perfect casing, this assembly is part of an ongoing exploration on Hi-fidelity Sound Systems. 

S.S2_Sistema de Sonido 2

Domestic Object


Lucas Muñoz Muñoz y su equipo han desarrollado el espacio entero de la cafetería de la Casa Encendida usando únicamente material encontrado en sus almacenes y restos de exposiciones anteriores. Este es uno de los espacios incluidos dentro del Proyecto M-15. 

La Casa Encendida Cafetería

Spaces Object


An exploration on the material properties of construction and installation materials and their capacity for performing a domestic function.

OFIS - Tubular Shelve

Domestic Object


One-off Tubular armchair illustrated by street artist Antigoon. An exploration on the material properties of construction and installation materials and their capacity for performing a domestic function.

OFIS - Tubular Armchair, Antigoon Edition

Domestic Object


Made only out of ventilation pipes, this indoor/outdoor chair and stool were presented in London Design Festival and are a continuation of OFIS ongoing research. An exploration on the material properties of construction and installation materials and their capacity for performing a domestic function.

OFIS - Tubular Stool & Tubular Chair

Domestic Object


Playful use of leftovers for a playful use all over. 

OFIS - Ping Pong table from construction site

Domestic Object


3 materials are playing here: foam, metal and neoprene. Each of them is deploying its particular behaviour to achieve a sofa function

B.F.M.F - Bent Foam, Metal Frame

Domestic Object


A redefinition of Upholstery through sleeves and knots

F.C 01 - Forma Curva 01

Domestic Object


A redefinition of upholstery through the use of only sleeves and knots

F.C 02 - Forma Curva 02

Domestic Object


A redefinition of Upholstery through the use of only sleeves and knots

F.C 03 - Forma Curva 03

Domestic Object


S.O.R (Silla Oficina Retapizada or Reupholstered Office Chair)

S.O.R Office Chairs

Domestic Object


Second-hand cleared colour shirts, dyed with iron to make a uniform.

Iron Shirts

Domestic Object


massive chandelier made with dead TL tubes

Dead TL Chandelier

Domestic Object


Continuing with the Autoprogettazione opensource philosophy of Enzo Mari, these collection adds up a few more pieces and implements them at MO de Movimiento in Madrid

Following Enzo Mari - MARIMORENAS

Domestic Object


these aluminium and nylon foldable hamocks, will survive until the final day

Hammocks to witness the end of the world

Domestic Object


Graduation Collection from Design Academy Master in EIndhoven


Domestic Object


A collection of seats made with found stones. Was the first chair a stone?


Domestic Object


Foam tongues coated in PU rubber conform these seats

Foam Follows Function - Coated

Domestic Object


A film based contextual research developed in different territories around the world

Rocket Trail

Non Object


Site specific installation for Concéntrico Festival - Sound System + Skate Ramp


Wild Object


two objects were improvised with reclaimed material from Shangai's streets these

Shangai Trash Chair and Shelf

Wild Object


2928 cm have been CNC cut to produce this table, the same as km are between Barcelona and Eindhoven return trip (BAR-EIN)

Barein 2928

Domestic Object


WONDERFRUIT - THAILAND a 36sqm bamboo installation with 6 swings that triggered flashes and the movement of a white fabric ceiling

Cloud Temple

Spaces Object


A 300kg concrete enclosure performs as 2500w experimental high fidelity Sound System.

Meteorite Sound System

Domestic Object


An exploration on sound resonance using the full skin of a goat's body. A tactile experience gives haptic performance to sound as a result, together with a surprising sound quality.

High Fidelity Goat

Domestic Object


same way our stomach resonates our cords, a flexible latex bag filled with air amplifies sound chords

Inflatable latex Speaker

Wild Object


A night out, a city district, found objects creates urban furniture in an empty square

Mobiliario Urbano

Wild Object


During the time I was living with this rocket-mnaking budhist monks I made astool for them with discarded material found around the temple.

Banfai Temple Stool

Wild Object


A furniture project sprout of the exploration of and interaction with Eulji-Ro Industrial district in Seoul (South Korea)

EULJI-RO Collection

Domestic Object


Industry meets local craft in an interaction within deep India.

India Twin Chairs

Wild Object


an improvised boat to cope with a massive unexpected rain flood

Bangkok Flood Boat

Wild Object


a site specific installation in an abandoned Roman Settlement that unsettles topics as market, public space, heritage, history, memory and stones


Wild Object


When leftover foam meets Marteen Visser chairs.

Foam Follows Function

Wild Object


Cultural translations of Lithuanian folk culture into video and sound pieces

Lithuanian Folk

Non Object


Air filter and cooler made with 450kg of concrete and two domestic fans

Concrete Air

Wild Object


variations of conceptual skateboards

Transport Elements

Domestic Object


A boat made in 24h with two materials and two tools. Gasoline and Polyestyrene, hammer and wood saw. A conceptual and praxis challenge also placed upon some friends which rendered in a beautiful boat day trip.

Napalm boat

Wild Object


A public art installation on the streets of Delhi to raise public awareness and dialogue within the neighbours of this contaminated record-breaking city.

Dehli Lung

Wild Object


Mountain stones ride urban environment. 

Rock & Roll Skateboards

Wild Object


if placed strategically, a touristic area can serve as an undeclared military frontier. This photographic project frames this.

Tourism, the fence

Non Object


To test the limits of our territory, we embarked in the adventure of marking physically the frontier line between both countries from extreme to extreme.  A continuous thread of red wool was threaded from yellow pole to the next, as a representation of the fiction and absurdity of these man-made frontiers. But also as an enhancement of the real threat, silently perceived from the never quiet giant neighbour: Russia. 

Threading the Threat

Non Object


Is nesting on the lap of another person the first time we interact with the act of seating?

Human Nest

Domestic Object


A 2 cube meters mechanism loded with30 kilograms of salt are needed to produce the equivalent of an AA battery running for 40 seconds

The Price of Light

Wild Object


what if the dense European tower-bells network were to toll the hours by including information about the ups and downs of our currency?


Non Object


a material research on making like snow

Snow tools

Non Object


A chandelier light made with Bic biros and paper clips


Domestic Object


A hangman lamp made with electric components.


Domestic Object